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  2. Managing Attendees

Welcome Invites

Invitation Email

Invitation emails don’t go out until you’re ready. Invite attendees after you’ve added your schedule so there's content to explore.

The welcome email includes a link to set a password and details about creating a profile and personal agenda.


Sending Invites Now
Send an invite while adding people to your directory: 2019-11-06_12-04-33.png?resize=796,664
Or send out invites while importing attendees:

Sending Invites Later
If you aren't ready, you can send invites at a later time. Go to Messages and click "Select People to Invite."
You can invite users as a group.
  1. Go to Attendees.
  2. Select many attendees with the checkbox.
  3. Select "Invite" from the "Bulk Actions" drop-down menu.
This will not re-invite attendees who have previously received an email invite.

Customize Welcome Email To Be Sent To Different Roles
Invitations can also be sent to attendees after uploading your spreadsheets via the control panel. You can do this by clicking on 'Add + Send Invite' via the roles page.

Resending Invites
If an attendee can’t find their invite or forgets their password, resend an invite or generate a password reset link.
  1. Go to Attendees.
  2. Click on the attendee that needs helps.
  3. Go to Message.
  4. Click "Send Invite Now" or "Generate Link."

Password Reset
People can also reset their own password here: yourevent.sched.com/password-reset
Password Reset