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Using Zoom With Sched


Zoom is often used in conjunction with Sched for hosting a virtual event. Below we have outlined how to set up and manage this. If you have questions about using Zoom with Sched you can Contact Us. If you have any questions related to the features or plans & pricing of Zoom, please refer to the Zoom Help Center.


Note: Access to this virtual content will not be available directly via the iOS (Apple) mobile app, due to restrictions imposed by Apple on their App Stores around virtual/hybrid events. Attendees will still be able to access this content via a web browser, on any device. There will be a note that shows within the session listing in the mobile apps directing your attendees to this content.


  1. You will need a Zoom account with the appropriate plan. Visit Zoom Plans & Pricing to signup and pick a plan.
  2. Decide if Zoom Meetings or Webinars are going to best suit the needs of your event. Read more at Zoom Meeting vs Webinar Comparison.
  3. Create your Zoom Meetings or Webinars: We recommend having no registration required in Zoom. You will still be able to manage access in Sched with our Privacy Controls.
  4. Add Zoom Meetings or Webinars to your sessions. The steps are outlined below.

Provide access to Zoom from your Sched event by adding the link (URL) for a Zoom Meeting or Webinar into the  Video Stream Field of sessions you'll be hosting on Zoom.
  1. Log into your Zoom account at zoom.us/signin.
  2. Go to the Meetings or Webinar sections.
  3. Click on each individual Meeting/Webinar to see the link displayed. This will appear differently, depending on your Zoom settings (see screenshots below).
  4. Add the Zoom links to the Video Stream Field in your sessions on Sched. Do this directly via the Schedule section in the Control Panel or by using our Spreadsheet Upload option.
Pro Tip: Set your  Privacy Controls in Sched to manage who can have access to your Zoom Meetings/Webinars and to choose when this access will become available. Zoom Meeting/Webinar Link Examples:
  • Zoom Meeting (without registration required)
  • Zoom Meeting (with required registration)
  • Zoom Webinar (without registration required)
  • Zoom Webinar (with registration required)

When using video-conferencing unwanted, disruptive intruders may log into your video conference. We recommend that you have attendees wait in the virtual lobby where a host has to let them in, restricting entry to those that should not be there. If an individual is disrupting the video conference, you can take these actions:
  1. Mute participants and disable video if needed.
  2. Disable private chat if needed.
  3. Remove unwanted or disruptive attendees, and prevent them from coming back in by blocking their IP addresses.
  4. Afterward, acknowledge to attendees that the intrusion happened. Apologize to speakers. Condemn the inappropriate behavior and reinforce your organization's values. Addressing the incident is better than ignoring it.
  5. Remove any posted materials if possible. If sharing a recording later, remove the intrusion from the video before sharing.
  6. Give attendees an opportunity to process the incident and give them resources where they can go for more help if they need to talk to someone afterward. Let them know you are taking action to make future sessions more secure.
  7. Review what happened and discuss what to change in the future to prevent it from happening again.

Attendees will be able to access your Zoom Meeting or Webinars via a 'Video Stream' or 'Open Zoom' button that will show for attendees in the session listings on your Sched event.
You can view screenshots below of how this appears on the web and mobile apps.
Mobile Apps:
Of Note:
We recommend testing your Zoom sessions within Sched prior to your event. If you run into any issues or have any questions while testing, contact us. We're always happy to help you test your event settings.

We recommend reviewing the available Zoom Support Guides for more information and have compiled a few here for quick reference:
Related searches: Zoom, Vimeo, YouTube, Streaming, Video Streaming, Live streaming, Video, Webinar, Zoom meeting, Zoom Webinar