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Ticket Transfers, Refunds and Cancellations

Transfers Each attendee must have a Sched profile with a unique email address to schedule sessions. Update the ticket information on Eventbrite to transfer a ticket to Sched. Follow these steps to update attendee information on Eventbrite:
    1. Log into your admin account for Eventbrite.com.
    2. Go to your "Manage" page for the event.
    3. Go to Manage Attendees => Orders.
    4. Search for the attendee by name or email.
    5. Select "Edit Attendee Info" and update the attendee's information.
  1. Save changes. The updated attendee information will sync with your Sched site within 15 minutes.
When an attendee has one ticket and transfers it to a friend, their schedule will go to their friend. When an attendee has many tickets and only transfers one, the schedule will not transfer to the friend. If there are attendees with sessions on their schedule they don’t have a ticket for, you will see this notice: Unauthorized-1024x489.jpg?resize=640,306 Attendees to Transfer Tickets

Refunds and Cancellations If you allow refunds and cancellations, you need to manage these in both Eventbrite and Sched. Refunds processed in Eventbrite will not remove the attendee from Sched.
  1. Provide the refund to your attendee on Eventbrite. How to refund an order in Eventbrite.
  2. In your Sched control panel, go to Settings => Eventbrite. The refund/cancellation will show up here. Existing ticket holders will be fully synced every 15 minutes.
  3. Click "Clear Entire Schedule" to release their spots to other attendees. You can also choose to remove that user from your event.