Note: the ability to add sponsors and exhibitors to your event is available on our Boost and Ultra Plans. Contact us if you would like to upgrade your plan.
Sort your sponsors into tiers and determine how they’re displayed on your public site. The tier names default to platinum, gold, silver, bronze, copper, Nickel, Pewter, and Iron, but you can rename them anytime on your Sponsors tab.
Drag and drop the sponsor profiles to sort them one at a time. Or tag profiles so you can use batch actions to sort several sponsors into your custom levels.
One At A Time
- Go to Sponsors.
- Select "Move to..." from the drop-down button beside the sponsor profile you'd like to sort.
- Use the drag button to move sponsors to the appropriate order and re-order sponsors within a level.

Sort Many At Once Using Tags
- Go to Sponsors and click the add button.
- Click "Download spreadsheet."
- Open the spreadsheet in Excel.
- Add an appropriate term to each sponsor in the Tags column (J). For example, add "gold sponsor" to the sponsors you'd like to sort into the gold level.
- Save the updated spreadsheet and import it into Sched.
- After importing the spreadsheet, click the search option on your Sponsors tab.
- Select the tag from the sponsors you'd like to sort.
8. Click "Filter."
9. Check the box to select all filtered sponsors.
10. Select "Move to..." from the "Bulk Actions" dropdown menu.