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  2. Managing Speakers

Reusing Participants from Past Events

If you’re organizing an event that includes some of your past speakers, you can re-import them into your new event. This will save you time and re-use their existing accounts.


Exporting From Your Past Event

    1. Go to your past event's control panel. You can find it by logging in here.
    2. Go to Control Panel => Schedule => and click the exports button.
    3. Click the role you'd like to use in your new event
    4. Open the spreadsheet in Excel or Google Docs to make updates. For example, delete people who won't be participating in your new event or add new participants. Save the file.



Importing Into Your New Event

    1. Create a new event if you haven't already.
    2. Go to Speakers and click the add button.
    3. Click "Import using a spreadsheet."
    4. Upload the spreadsheet from your past event.


You can re-use any role like speakers, exhibitors, attendees, and more using this method.


Reusing Sessions from Past Events