Recently Active Users
Discover which attendees logged in most recently to see who's using the platform, which attendees may not have logged in yet, and quickly access active attendees' schedules.

- Click the Sched astronaut to go to your dashboard.
- Click "Recently Active Attendees."

Top Sessions
Get to know which sessions are the most popular among your attendees. This is a great way to gauge interest and help determine which session types you might add more of for your next event. You can also sort popular sessions by day or type.

- Click the Sched astronaut to go to your dashboard.
- Click "Popular Sessions."

Highest and Lowest Rated Sessions
Your attendees can rate and leave comments on sessions during your event. They will have five days after the session ends to leave their feedback. You can sort the sessions to view which ones are the highest and lowest rated. Check out your attendees' experiences to keep bringing back the most impactful sessions for each event.

Session Feedback
- Click the Sched astronaut to go to your dashboard.
- Click "Highest Rated" or "Lowest Rated" to view the sessions sorted by highest or lowest ranking.