For attendees with different sign-up dates

You can have attendees with different tickets sign up for sessions in staggered order.

Best Practices

  1. Set privacy settings in Sched to Private and Invite-only.
  2. Connect Eventbrite but do not enable sync.
  3. If you plan on setting ticket rules for your event, set up rules only for ticket holders you'd like to sign up for sessions.
  4. Disable the Eventbrite invite email, which will prevent all attendees from being invited automatically when you enable the sync.
  5. Within your Eventbrite control panel, disable redirect manually and add information in the Eventbrite email to attendees with the dates when ticket holders can sign up for sessions in Sched.
  6. Edit ticket warnings to provide attendees with more information.
  7. Add information to the header text such as dates when different ticket holders can sign up for sessions in Sched.
  8. Enable Eventbrite sync in Sched.
  9. Send an email to ticket holders you'd like to sign up for sessions. Advise them to go to with their Eventbrite order number to log in and choose sessions.