You can export your sessions and their details as a spreadsheet. Reformat your spreadsheet for internal use to share with the production team.
- Go to Schedule => Sessions.
- Click the exports button.
- Under "Schedule" click "Sessions."
Attendance Counts
Export all your sessions into a spreadsheet with the attendance counts to see an overview of how many attendees have signed up for each session.
- Go to Schedule => Sessions.
- Click the exports button.
- Under "Schedule" click "Attendance Counts."

Session Files
You can find all the presentation files that have been attached to the sessions in one place. Download all files in one ZIP, or you can download them separately.

- Go to Schedule => Sessions.
- Click the exports button.
- Under "Schedule" click "Session Files."
- Click "Download all" to export a ZIP with all files, or click "Download" next to each file to export separately.

Session Links
Export the full and short links for each session to share on social media. You can schedule Tweets to feature sessions leading up to your event. Include links in YouTube videos to reference specific session content.

- Go to Schedule => Sessions.
- Click the exports button.
- Under "Schedule" click "Session Links."

Export your full list of attendees to add to your contact list or newsletter to stay in touch with them long after your event. You can also use the spreadsheet to import attendees into your event.
- Go to Attendees.
- Click the exports button.
- Under "Attendees" click "Attendees."
Attendee Schedules
You can export a CSV file with the attendees listed and their sessions. The spreadsheet will contain a row for each session an attendee has signed up for.

- Go to Attendees.
- Click the exports button.
- Under "Attendees" click "Attendee Schedules."

Empty Schedules
You can export the list of attendees that have not scheduled any sessions to send them a reminder. Encourage your attendees to choose sessions, so they come to the event prepared. This list will also include the attendees who have never logged in to your Sched event.
- Go to Attendees.
- Click the exports button.
- Under "Attendees" click "Empty Schedules."
Inactive Attendees
Export the list of attendees who have never logged in. This is a great way to see which attendees might be ignoring the emails. You can send them more personalized communication to get a better response rate.
- Go to Attendees.
- Click the exports button.
- Under "Attendees" click "Inactive Attendees."
Attendee Ticket Report
Export data of your attendees with or without tickets and attendees with extra tickets.
- Go to Attendees.
- Click the exports button.
- Under the "Tickets" section, click on which data you'd like to export.