Applying for Developer Accounts

In this guide you will find:

Apple Developer Accounts

You must enroll in the Apple Developer program as an Organization (not as an  Individual). To enroll in the Apple Developer program, you’ll need to set up an Apple ID and pay a $99/year fee. If you’re a nonprofit or government agency, Apple will waive your fee; learn more.

You can begin the registration process here

You will need the following to begin your application (pulled from Apple’s site):

  • A D-U-N-S Number
  • Legal Entity Status
  • Legal Binding Authority
  • A website

If you do not have an Apple ID you will need to create one nat1

Once logged in you will be asked to enter your information nat2

Then you will be asked to select your entity type nat3

Then, you will be asked to enter your DUNS and the organization's name nat4  


Google Developer Accounts

To enroll in the Google Play Developer program, you’ll need a Google account and to pay a one time $25 fee. Enroll here.

After you complete the enrollment process, you’ll immediately have access to the Google Play Console.

First you will need to sign into the Google account you are hoping to create a developers license under. Or create a new account.


Choose organization account type.


You will need the following to complete the enrollment:


Then you will need to fill in your desired account information:





